Wednesday, 6 June 2007

running around

I feel like I should say something about my training… Basically, I am no good at following any kind of training plan and so, being the flexible person that I am (doesn't mean I can touch my toes) I approach the whole thing in a very casual way! There are two events that I have signed up to:

CCC Ultra marathon, August 2007
Tough Guy, February 2008

Even as I write this I am thinking "what have I got myself into" but as they say: what doesn't kill you, will at least make you think twice before entering certain events!

For the ultra marathon I have been training mostly by running! In May I ran my first marathon, the Three Forts Marathon. This entailed 1000m of ascent and was actually 27miles trail! So am currently trying to fit in 3-4 runs a week including 1 easy jog, 1 set of interval training, and 1 long run. Think I need to do a bit more about running up and down hills too. On top of this I do a couple of aerobics classes a week to work on core strength.

Yesterday I decided to do my interval training at lunch time in the full glare of the sun, what a plonker! I staggered around Hyde Park doing 6x30second sprints with jogging rests, next time will wait till its cooler!

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