Friday, 13 July 2007


I am properly injured... Again... Earlier this year I pulled my achillies tendon and have slowly managed to get it back on track. My latest injury is worse as I have no idea what is causing it!

It only hurts during or after running. It feels like a kind of sharpe cramp at the back of my knee and it really hurts. As soon as I slow and walk it goes away. Then after running I get some cramps too... This is not good for ultra running at all!

I think I have to stop running totally for the next two weeks and just do things like spinning and aerobics... Bummer


Oliver said...

Awww heck, sorry to hear it's got worse. Hope you can sort it out with some intensive stretching and a couple of weeks off.

Rachel said...

definity some gentle stretching, but not too hard i think. i suspect i have damaged a hanstring tendon or ligament where it meets the knee. instead i think spinning and swimming are the way forward

Anonymous said...

Swimming ... you said swimming ?

Rachel said...

i know i said swimming, you are right it would prob be a good alternative, plus it might help me get over my water phobia...